Mission Statement:
The mission of the Nappanee Historic Preservation Commission is to actively promote
preservation of all Nappanee historic sites and landmarks. In doing so, we are
making Nappanee a positive place for business, industry, visitors, and
The Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for establishing local
landmarks, like Brick Street, West Park, the train depot and Hartman House.
The commission's other powers and duties include:
• Receiving and reviewing of all proposed Historic Preservation Overlay
• Adopting and amending the "book of standards" for each overlay district, when requested;
• Issuing all Certificates of aAppropriateness; and
•Informing the zoning administrator of all violations of Section 11.9 of theUnified Zoning and Subdivision Control Ordinance.
Commission members are appointed by the Mayor. The commission meets bi-monthly.
• Receiving and reviewing of all proposed Historic Preservation Overlay
• Adopting and amending the "book of standards" for each overlay district, when requested;
• Issuing all Certificates of aAppropriateness; and
•Informing the zoning administrator of all violations of Section 11.9 of theUnified Zoning and Subdivision Control Ordinance.
Commission members are appointed by the Mayor. The commission meets bi-monthly.
From top: Donny Aleo, Chairman, Ryan Smith. Don Lehman, City of Nappanee and Brad Miller, Community Preservation Specialist with Indiana Landmarks.
Seated: Rocki Stillson, Vice Chair, Jeanie Duddley, Martha Owens, Nappanee Library Heritage Collection Manager. If you would like to contact the commission please use the contact form.