- Who was the first fire chief in Nappanee?
- What was the name of cartoon Smokey Stover’s fire chief?
- What show was nearly canceled due to typhoid fever and a wild horse in 1900?
- What was rumored to be killing livestock on farms surrounding Nappanee in the late 1940s?
- Who started the Nappanee Phone Company, digging posts and stringing lines to provide phone service to Nappanee?
- What is the name of the two wheeled car that is on display in the Heritage Collection?
- What crop was “king” in Nappanee in the early 1900s?
- Where did the fire of 1937 start?
- What item do we have in the Heritage Collection that was stolen from Floyd Gwin in 1942?
- What tool did Evelyn Culp start using in the 1970s to preserve the histories of the people of Nappanee?
- In 1899 what building stood where Topping Dental is now?
- What fictional character inspired a young Nappanee boy to go into a career in aeronautics?
- What did Bill Holman do as youngster to help make ends meet for his family?
- What festival in 1912 brought thousands of people to town?
- What happened to Nappanee’s telephone operators in the 1960s?
- Who designed Nappanee’s auditorium built in 1899?
- How much could a good onion farmer make in a day in the early 1900's, equaling about 100 crates of onions?
Find out the answers to these questions and more at Night at the Museum the Nappanee Center on October 9th, 2015.